
Computer science


The information included in the reservation.txt file: 1189 1234 \ufeffSmith James coach 299.99 1190 9876 \ufeffJones Marie coach 150.00 1191 2000 \ufeffAtkins John first 789.00 1192 1000 \ufeffGallo James first 465.00 1193 4567 \ufeffMarion Kevin business 300.00 1194 4444 \ufeffJohnson Greg business 765.99 1195 8888 \ufeffBrown Andrew first 567.39 1196 4567 \ufeffGreen Eric coach 234.00 1197 9876 \ufeffThomas Chris business 1900.99 1198 7777 \ufeffHilling Cara first 876.76 1199 2222 \ufeffCole James coach 256.99 1200 9281 \ufeffBartko Grant business 896.00 1201 2000 \ufeffBest Curtis first 543.99 1202 1000 \ufeffCampbell Nicholas coach 287.00 1203 4444 \ufeffDietz Merrialyce coach 219.00 1204 9281 \ufeffDuran Alexander business 690.00 1205 2892 \ufeffGurung Suraj first 789.99 1206 7777 \ufeffKumpfmiller Ryan first 278.99 1207 4444 \ufeffMccomb David coach 451.99 1208 8888 \ufeffMclain Jaime coach 199.00 1209 9876 \ufeffMullen Matthew coach 189.00 1210 1234 \ufeffNguyen Tommy coach 299.00 1211 1234 \ufeffOssler Aimee coach 300.00 1212 7777 \ufeffPolenavitch Michael coach 198.99 1213 2222 \ufeffRaymond Chase first 908.99 1214 2222 \ufeffRosales David coach 216.99 1215 2892 \ufeffSchwartz Dustin business 987.00 1216 4444 \ufeffShort Samuel coach 245.99 1217 8888 \ufeffSoltis Josh coach 178.00 1218 1234 \ufeffWebster Ronald business 892.00 1219 1234 \ufeffWielock William first 589.00 1220 2892 \ufeffBonelli Andrew coach 178.00 1221 4444 \ufeffBright Adam coach 235.00 1222 9876 \ufeffClymer Jesse coach 568.00 1223 4444 \ufeffCostello Michael coach 200.00 1234 7777 \ufeffCurrin Sean business 908.00 1225 1000 \ufeffFarrar Gary first 588.00 1226 1000 \ufeffFinn Lynn business 799.00 1227 4567 \ufeffFreise Brian coach 254.00 1228 4567 \ufeffHuang Pao-Jen coach 199.00 1229 4567 \ufeffKamani Nelson coach 150.00 1230 2000 \ufeffLoughner Ryan coach 175.00 1231 2000 \ufeffMenzies Adam coach 199.00 1232 1234 \ufeffNeupane Kiran coach 135.00 1233 1234 \ufeffNickel Brandon first 999.00 1234 7777 \ufeffRopchack Joseph first 899.00 1235 7777 \ufeffWhitten Walter coach 786.99 1236 4444 \ufeffWoods Mary coach 299.00 \ufeffContents of the flightC.txt file are as follows: 1234 \ufeffPittsburgh Phoenix 04/02/24 10:30am 108 4567 \ufeffBoston New_York 04/03/24 18:10am 210 9876 \ufeffPittsburgh Seattle 04/04/24 1:30pm 110 8888 \ufeffChicago Pittsburgh 04/05/24 2:45pm 106 7777 \ufeffPittsburgh Miami 04/06/24 9:35am 116 2892 \ufeffLas_Vegas New_York 04/07/24 8:10pm 107 4444 \ufeffPittsburgh San_Francisco 04/21/24 5:55pm 124 2222 \ufeffAtlanta New_York 04/09/24 4:30pm 110 9281 \ufeffPittsburgh Seattle 04/11/24 2:15pm 216 1000 \ufeffPittsburgh Phoenix 04/12/24 3:25pm 150 \ufeff

